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Mining Companies
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Avalon Advanced Materials is a Canadian mineral development company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario.
Metals Creek Resources Corp. is a junior exploration company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, is a reporting issuer in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario, and has its common shares listed for trading on the Exchange under the symbol “MEK”.
North American Palladium's vision is to become a low cost, mid-tier precious metals company operating in mining friendly jurisdictions.
Adex is unique among mining companies worldwide. Our Mount Pleasant Mine property in New Brunswick, Canada, hosts two distinct deposits: the Fire Tower Zone and the North Zone.  The Fire Tower Zone is situated in the southeastern part of the Mount Pleasant property and hosts significant resources of molybdenum and tungsten.  The...
Argonaut Gold Inc. is a gold producer with operating mines and advanced exploration projects in the state of Durango, Mexico and Guatemala.
Boliden is a metals company with focus on sustainable development. Our roots are Nordic, but our business is global. The company's core competence is within the fields of exploration, mining, smelting and metals recycling.
Diamcor Mining Inc. is a fully reporting publically traded junior diamond mining company which is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol V.DMI, and on the OTC QX International under the symbol DMIFF.  The Company has a well-established prior operational and production history in South Africa, extensive prior experience...
The Dolores open pit silver-gold mine is located in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range in the state of Chihuahua, in the municipality of Madera, approximately 250 kilometres west of the city of Chihuahua. The area of the concessions is 27,700 hectares.
Dundee Precious Metals Inc. is a Canadian based, international gold mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development, mining and processing of precious metals.
The Endako Mine is a primary, surface molybdenum mine located near Fraser Lake, 100 miles northwest of Prince George, British Columbia. The mine is operated as a joint venture with Thompson Creek holding a 75% interest and Sojitz Corporation, a Japanese company, holding a 25% interest.